
Get the most benefit from your MeasureLINK™ evaluation license

1After downloading, follow the installation instructions.

Proceed to the License Management page on the Utilities tab and press the Evaluation License button.

2Explore the Quick Start Guide that details the setup steps to customize MeasureLINK for your application, located on the Home tab startup screen.

3Depending on your application, you may need to separately download and install Application Packs to provide access to various instruments and prewritten measurement routines.

4Once the appropriate Application Packs have been installed, navigate to the System Configuration page on the Home tab to create a configuration containing the instruments required.

5After the configuration is created, the software is ready to use. You can set up a trend chart with logging for any data channel or create drag-and-drop measurement sequences with our no-code Sequence Utility that allows system parameters to be swept through a range of values while collecting measurement data.