
Superconducting magnet systems

Standard superconducting magnet system features:

  • Top sample loading and exchange at all temperatures
  • Effortless sample rotation and translation about the vertical axis at all temperatures, with options for rotation about a horizontal axis
  • Field-independent thermometry
  • The SuperVariTemp system, with provision for a temperature control thermometer at the heat exchanger
  • Vapor-cooled/superconducting high-current magnet leads
  • Superconducting magnets with persistent mode operation providing field stabilities of 20 ppm/h
  • Carefully designed magnet support inside the helium reservoir, with optical access through the Dewar vacuum space (OptiMag and SuperOptiMag systems)
  • Built-in superconducting liquid helium level sensors, providing continuous or timed level monitoring
  • Readily accessible and interchangeable sample chambers

Complete superconducting magnet systems include: