
Varnish specifications

Maximum temperature423 K (150 °C)
Thermal conductivity
1 K0.034 W/(m·K)
4.2 K 0.062 W/(m·K)
77 K 0.22 W/(m·K)
100 K 0.24 W/(m·K)
300 K 0.44 W/(m·K)
Volume resistivity >1 × 1015 (Ω·m)
Shelf life (298 K) 12 months from the date on the can when stored at room temperature
Drying time (25 µm film, tack-free)5 min to 10 min at 298 K (25 °C); 2 min to 5 min at 398 K (125 °C)
Dielectric strength (Dry) 118 kV/mm
Vapor pressure Partial

Percent solids by weight: 18 to 20%

Viscosity at 298 K (25 °C): 1.3 kg/(m·s) (1300 cP)

Specific gravity at 298 K (25 °C): 0.88

Flashpoint, closed up: 269 K (-4 °C)

Solvent system: Xylene, alcohol, acetone

Note: The solvents in the varnish have a tendency to craze Formvar® wire insulation. The wire cannot be disturbed during curing of the varnish (typically 12 h to 24 h at room temperature)

Classified as hazardous cargo by the U.S. Government. UPS Ground shipment only. Available in continental U.S. only.