
Applications | X-ray diffraction

X-ray diffraction vacuum shroud for closed-cycle refrigerator

X-ray diffraction vacuum shroud for closed-cycle refrigeratorLake Shore has a custom vacuum shroud for x-ray diffraction available for 4 K or 10 K closed-cycle refrigerators.

Superconducting magnet system for use with Rigaku x-ray generator and theta/theta wide-angle goniometer

Superconducting magnet system for use with Rigaku x-ray generator and theta/theta wide-angle goniometerShown is a superconducting magnet system for use with a Rigaku x-ray generator and theta/theta wide-angle goniometer. The sample is placed in a high magnetic field (0 to 40,000 G) and its temperature can be varied between 2.5 and 300 K. The sample can be introduced into the high field region and located precisely with the aid of a UHV-compatible translation stage. Samples can be changed without disturbing or warming up the magnet or the Dewar that contains it.

Two side-looking windows offer a wide-angle x-ray beam path to the sample (traveling in vacuum), allowing access to the incoming and diffracted beams through angles of 0 to 38. The compact design allows the magnet system to fit precisely within the confines of the x-ray generator and goniometer.

The complete system includes heaters, field-independent thermometry, an automatic temperature controller, and a superconducting magnet power supply for charging and discharging the magnet. A high-efficiency helium transfer line is also included for continuous cooldown of the sample.

Contact us today for details of how our systems can be integrated into your laboratory.

Lake Shore — environment by JANIS